Edmonds Parent Leaders Group

& PTA Council 7.2




2023-2024 Meeting Schedule

7:00-7:30pm- Parent Leader Collaboration time **
7:30-8:00pm- Edmonds PTA Council Business
4th Weds + adj holiday dates:

August 23 - Zoom

September 27 - Edmonds Woodway HS and Zoom

October 25 -  via Zoom

December 6 - Zoom

January 24 - Lynnwood HS and Zoom

February 23 & 24th Comedy Night

February 28 - Zoom

March 27 - Meadowdale HS and Zoom

April 24 - Zoom

May 22 - Year End Celebration Mountlake Terrace HS Zoom Recording

June 6 - LGBTQIA+ Skate & Bowl Night 6-8pm

June 19 - Zoom 


**Parent leaders for school serving Pre-K to grade 12 have similar questions and concerns. Join with other leaders to learn from district staff. Each parent leadership group is encouraged to have at least one representative present for the collaboration session starting at 7:00pm, followed by the PTA Council meeting at 7:30pm.  


Grant Calendar: Questions?  Email us at grants@edmondsptacouncil.org!


Final GRANT cycle for 2023-24 school year: applications due 6/7/2024; selection will occur on 6/19 @ 7-7pm via Zoom, notification 6/21/2024


2022-23 grant info

Application DeadlineSelection MeetingAward Notification
October 21 October 26November 2
January 20January 25February 1
May 1 May 6 May 24


2022-2023 Meetings

7:00-7:30pm- Parent Leader Collaboration time **
7:30-8:00pm- Edmonds PTA Council Business
4th Weds + adj holiday dates:
Sept 28 - general meeting (orientation) Zoom: Recording 
Oct 26 - general meeting Zoom & in person @ Edmonds Woodway: Recording
Dec 7  - general meeting Zoom: Recording
Jan 25 - general meeting Zoom & in person at MLT HS *No recording available*
Feb 22 - general meeting Zoom: Recording
Mar 22 - general meeting Zoom & in person at Meadowdale HS: Recording
Apr 26 - general meeting Zoom: Recording
May 24 - general meeting Zoom (Leader Celebration) at Lynnwood HS: Recording
June 28 - general meeting via zoom Recording



Join DEI Chair Nicole, Advocacy Chair Valerie and Co-President Vonita for Lunch & Learn, a series of conversations about the work parent groups do at different schools in Edmonds School District, and how parents can get involved. Third Thursday of each month from 12:00-12:30pm

2023-2024 School Year

Date - Topic

August 31 - Reflections

September 21 - Movie Nights

October 19 - Family and Community Engagement video

November 16 - Learn from an Expert: Treasurer video

December 21 - Learn from an Expert: Secretary

January 18 - Equity Funds

February 15 - Staff Appreciation

March 21 - Taxes

April 18 - Preparing for Year End: Nominating committee, president role

May 16 - Health topics


2022-2023 School Year

May 18, 2023 - Community Health Center & Mara Marano-Bianco about School Student Health Services Video

April 27, 2023 - Staff Appreciation Video

March 16, 2023 - Treasurer Basics & Taxes video and Slide deck 

Feb 16, 2023 - Gun Safety video

Jan 26, 2023 - Legislative Advocacy video

Nov 17, 2022 - Climate Advocacy video
Oct 20, 20022 - Communication and Family Engagement video
Sept 22, 2022 - Reflections council specific version was not recorded but a State PTA video can be found here

2021-2022 School Year

June 2- Let's Talk PTA Reflections Art Contests

May 5- Let's Talk Community Building Events
April 14 - Let's Talk Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
March 3 - Let's Talk Fundraising


Request a Translator

We're absolutely thrilled to sponsor local author, speaker, and mental health advocate Richard Taylor Jr. for this presentation for teens, parents, and educators. June 3, 2021, 6:30-8:00pm

The pandemic caused major disruption to everyone's daily life and family routines, and this school year has demanded a completely different level of engagement and motivation. As our middle and high school students power through the last few weeks and prepare for finals, we invite them to this empowering presentation.

Register here - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/being-positive-with-richard-taylor-jr-tickets-156305388625

N-Word and Beyond Event

Date: March 16, 2021

Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm

For teachers, students and community. The N Word and Beyond: Addressing Hate Speech in School and Community will be presented. Learn specific strategies for the class, hall, and home. 

Here are the materials from the presentation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17ceL3QBHTgfN6g9DJiYmzVTTxBPeWK8W?usp=sharing